Upload your documents

Provide the necessary documents for your mortgage application online, quickly and safely without leaving home

We make life easier

In the past, you had to send copies by post or take the originals to a consultant's office to provide the required documents for your mortgage application.

Today, all you have to do is use our convenient file transfer tool and we will have your documents right away.

How it works

If some of your documents are in paper form, scan them into a PDF file. This way, you will be able to store them easily on your computer and forward them.

To scan documents, use your printer's scanner.

Make sure that the scans are legible and in high resolution (min. 150 dpi).

The button below will take you to the form. It is important that you enter your name and email, as this will help us identify who the files came from.

Upload your files and submit the form.

The files should be in PDF format. To simplify the upload process, you can compress your files into a ZIP file and upload them as a single file.


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